This paper provides an overview of the major DBMS vendors, and compares and contrasts two of common DBMS solutions (Oracle DBMS solution with MySQL DBMS solution). The important features to look for when purchasing DBMS software solution, and advantages and disadvantages of Oracle DBMS and MySQL DBMS are also briefly outlined.

The major DBMS vendors or well-know industrial-strength relational DBMSes include Oracle, IBM, Microsoft and Sybase. Some of the more popular DBMS for end users include Microsoft’s Access and Corels’ Paradox. Those DBMS that run on midrange, mainframe, and supercomputers include IBM’s DB2, Oracle 10g. Other examples of DBMS that are open-source database systems include PostgreSQL, SybaseSQL, and MySQL. In addition to the popular DBMS stated above, there are a number of specialized database packages used for specific purposes, especially those used in law firms like CaseMap to organize information about a case, and those used by law enforcement departments to share crime reports and up date information about crime and criminals (e.g. Scottish Intelligence Database (SID)).

The DBA often selects the best DBMS for an organization. This process begins by analyzing the database needs and its characteristics depending on the data being collected and how to suitably manage it. Therefore, the important features/characteristics to look for when purchasing DBMS software includes:
  • Database size, depends on the number of records or files in the database, and it determines the overall organization storage requirement. Today’s companies are trimming the size of their databases to maintain good performance and reduce costs.
  • Number of concurrent users: that can access the contents of the DB by a large group if that’s its intended purpose. Hence, a highly scalable DBMS is desirable to provide flexibility to support different size users.
  • Performance, which tells you how fast the DB is able to update records, process transactions, check credit status, and provide feedback in seconds. That’s why most organizations perform DB performance tuning to increase speed and storage efficiency. 
  • Integration, the ability to integrate the DBMS with other applications and DBs is a key determinant as to what operating systems it can run under --- such as Linux, Unix, or Windows. Hence, the ability for a DBMS to import and export data to and fro other DBs and applications is a critical decision. 
  • Features of the DBMS are vital in terms of security procedures, privacy protection, manuals, wizards, ready to use templates, and a variety of tools to improve the ease of use.
  • Cost of DB packages for PCs verses those used on mainframes varies greatly from few hundreds of dollars to hundreds of thousands, which is often compounded by the maintenance costs, lease costs, and technical personnel costs.  
  • Other important consideration includes vendor reputation and financial stability to continue providing support whenever needed. The use of the DB either as a front-end application or a back-end application especially where Internet connection is required.
In comparing and contrasting MySQL and Oracle: MySQL is a multithreaded, multi-user, SQL relational database server, MySQL is open-source software owned and sponsored by a Swedish company MySQL AB. MySQL has grown into the most popular open-source database on the market partly due to the fact that the product is a free download for many users. Oracle DBMS is a multi-user, open-source database management system that also supports OpenVMS operating systems. Oracle DBMS is designed for databases of all levels of complexity, ranging from simple hierarchies to sophisticated networks with multilevel relationships: providing a reliable operating platform for application environments where stability, high availability, and throughput are essential.

In comparison both DBMS are similar in that they have these similar features and benefits; that is, both provide:
  • Data Security by preventing unauthorized users from viewing or updating the database. Using passwords, users are allowed access to the entire database or its subschema.
  • Data Integrity by ensuring that no more than one user can update the same record at the same time. It can keep duplicate records out of the database; for example, no two customers with the same customer number can be entered.
  • Interactive query languages and report writers that let users interactively cross-examine the database and analyze its data -- giving users access to all management information as needed.
  • Data Independence, as such, the details of the data structure are not stated in each application program. Hence, any change in data structure doesn’t require changing all application programs
  • Ways to interactively enter and edit data (interactive data entry and updating), allowing users to manage their own files and databases. However, since interactive operation does not leave an audit trail, controls must be programmed into the data entry and update programs of the application.
However, unlike MySQL, Oracle is an embedded database that can be easily hidden from the application and not require a database administrator. As an embedded DBMS the database components are included with the application, and the server will automatically start and stop along with the execution of the application.

In addition, Oracle supports on-line backup and crash recovery as well as advanced features like Unicode support/internationalization, encryption, and multiple low-overhead connections. It also supports for stored procedures, functions and triggers in its current version, which MySQL is lacking.

Oracle is very appealing for building and delivering cross-platform solutions that require a full-function RDBMS because it can be written in different programming languages. As such, where J2SE is available, it runs on Windows, Linux, UNIX, Sun Solaris, HP, and the Mac OS X, while MySQL runs on Linux, Solaris, and Windows.

Oracle can be used as a client/server RDBMS to execute within a JVM and can easily scale to meet many database server workloads. Oracle fully supports stored procedures, triggers and views to reduce network overhead and improve application scalability – this improves database storage.

MySQL comes with a built-in loader, and, furthermore, in MySQL loading the data into table is part of the language accepted by the database management software, Which means that when you’re loading the data into MySQL, the entire DBMS is up there and running numerous threads on the background. As such, the transaction time of MySQL is faster than that of Oracle

In summary, MySQL also provides utilities to compare, extract and search for objects, manage projects, import/export data and administer the database. Listed below are some of the other MySQL key features and benefits worth mentioning:
  • Version Control Integration allows users to quickly check-in and check-out code from within the editor, reducing the risk of errors.
  • Macro Record and Playback records and plays back Keyboard commands, enhancing usability and reducing manual effort.
  • Database Browser reorganizes and manages objects and object types. 
  • Code Snippet Editor allows the user to create and alter code snippets for expand and collapse code blocks, for faster navigation. 
  • Security Manager provides the administrator with the ability to permit or restrict user access to specific features of the DB, providing better control over the system. 
  • SQL Editor enables users to quickly create, execute, modify and save queries, view and edit data, and process DDL commands — all from an easy-to-use interface.
  • Fast, multi-tabbed Schema Browser displays and manages database objects graphically 
  • DB Extract, Compare and Search utility allows users to quickly compare two MySQL databases, view the differences and create the script to update the target.
  • Import/Export utility facilitates the transfer of data from one MySQL database to another.

Advantages of MySQL include the following:
  • Extremely fast and scalable on reads (faster than most commercial DBs).
  • Supported on multiple platforms (Solaris, Linux, Win32). 
  • Mature APIs for database application development. 
  • Supports JDBC drivers
 Disadvantages of MySQL
  • Minimal transaction support.
  • Features that interfere with speed are generally postponed (i.e. stored procedures, triggers, and views).
Likewise, apart from the major features mentioned as part of similarity comparison, Oracle DBMS new features, which include:
  • Multiversion support: By enabling Oracle DBMS users to run old and new versions of DBMS side by side on the same processor.
  • Database verification improvements: This significantly reduces the time it takes users to test database integrity i.e. it offers more thorough verification, with improved diagnostics, which helps customers in maintenance tasks.  
  • Database statistics package enhancements. To allow database administrators to more easily collect detailed information on real-time database use.
  • SQL interface enables users to use popular front-end tools that take advantage of SQL protocols. Thus reducing the downtime with dramatic improvements in performance and reliability.
The advantages of Oracle DBMS solution include:
  • Reduced database page reads and writes;
  • Improved response time; 
  • Much lower overhead to than accessing a page in a global or local buffer; 
  • Shorter code path when a re cord is found in cache. 
  • Hot Standby also provides disaster tolerance to DBMS users. In the event of failure, the “hot standby” database becomes the master database and takes over application processing. Failure detection and failover can be achieved with minimal interruption to users and application processing.
Disadvantages of Oracle DBMS solution
  • The learning curve is longer and not as simple. As a result there are very few qualified Oracle professionals available.
  • Out of the box doesn’t perform as well as MySQL
  • Cost a bit more if you don’t include downtime cost.
  • The Application Defense Center (ADC) discovered a severe vulnerability in the authorization mechanism for Oracle 8i, 9i, and 10g. During that time there was no recommended workaround for this undisclosed and un-patched vulnerability. While the complexity of modern database platforms may necessitate such delays they are not acceptable for companies who rely on databases to run their business.
All above factors have to be considered when choosing which database management system is appropriate for your organization’s information system requirement. It should be noted however, that the information need of the organization affects the type of data being collected and the type of database system that is used. Therefore its imperative to contact the database user groups for advice before deciding on which DBMS to use as they have access to the latest information about what is available and how this can assist your needs.

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Oracle technology
Retrieved August 3, 2006

DBMS Definition:
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