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These templates are "the heart" of all of the work I do when creating my fiction books. The videos I provide explain how I use them. I've included notes so that they are self-explanatory, and you can use them right away...

Fiction Book Formula Videos

Module #1:
Congratulations! Your Fiction Empire awaits...
Download .MP4 Video
Download Module 1 Notes

Module #2:
Researching Your Fiction Niche
Download .MP4 Video

Download Module 2 Notes

Module #3:
Divide & Conquer Technique
Download .MP4 Video

Download Module 3 Notes

Module #4:
Timeless Story Themes
Download .MP4 Video

Download Module 4 Notes

Module #5:
How to Find and Hire Great Story Writers
Download .MP4 Video

Download Module 5 Notes

Module #6:
Setting Book Milestones
Download .MP4 Video

Download Module 6 Notes

Module #7:
Making Your Story Writers Happy
Download .MP4 Video

Download Module 7 Notes

Module #8:
Creating a Hot Fiction Title
Download .MP4 Video

Download Module 8 Notes

Module #9:
Creating Your Fiction Book Description
Download .MP4 Video

Download Module 9 Notes

Module #10:
Optimizing Your Kindle Keywords
Download .MP4 Video

Download Module 10 Notes

Module #11:
Choosing the Best Fiction Category
Download .MP4 Video

Download Module 11 Notes

Module #12:
Pricing Your Book for Maximum Long-Term Profit
Download .MP4 Video

Download Module 12 Notes

Module #13:
Formatting Your Book Like a Professional
Download .MP4 Video

Download Module 13 Notes

Module #14:
Design Covers That Sell (Made Easy...)
Download .MP4 Video

Download Module 14 Notes

Module #15:
Attracting 5-Star Reviews For Your Books
Download .MP4 Video

Download Module 15 Notes

Module #16:
Advanced Module: Get More Sales
Download .MP4 Video

Download Module 16 Notes

Fiction Book Formula Templates

Template #1: Job Posting Template

Download the Job Posting Template

Finding good writers, and hiring them for pennies of what they're worth to you, is the key of Fiction Book Formula. This job template shows you how I do, and reveals why I do it. This template has been incredibly effective for me, and it includes all of the most important elements from my job postings. Using this template once gives me more high-quality writers than I know what to do with, without fail.

Template #2: Theme and Plot Template

Download the Theme and Plot Template

The theme and plot template is a powerful tool that establishes authority to your writers and ensures that they are crystal clear on exactly what you want included in your book. Combine this with the proven genres/storylines that are discussed in the videos and inside the research report. Dreaming up fiction books does not take that much creativity - coming up with a premise for your book is baby food simple. It's the writer that has to do the hard work. They take your requirements and pull it into a well-crafted story.

Template #3: Professional Book Layout Template

Download the Book Layout Template

This book template follows the formatting and style I use when publishing my books. It offers a professional copyright statement at the beginning, the indents and spacing should already be pre-formatted for you, and includes a link to other books and About the Author layout at the end. I do not use Table of Contents in my Fiction books because I keep them so short. You should not give this template to your writers - you should take the story .doc you receive from your writers and convert it into this format by copy and paste.

Fiction Book Formula Mindmap

Complete Mindmap Download

Download Full Fiction Book Formula Mindmap
(XMind Required - Free Download)

Download Full Fiction Book Formula Mindmap PDF (Print this!)

This is a great at-a-glance view of EVERYTHING covered inside Fiction Book Formula. If you need to review any of the content and don't want to re-watch the videos, this is a quick way to get a refresher. I highly suggest that you print out the PDF version for your reference.

Fiction Book Formula Proven Fiction Niches

Research Report: Hot, Proven Fiction Niches

Download the Hot Fiction Niches Report

This report lays out the niches and fiction genres that have proven to sell, time and time again. Every single Fiction book that I've published has been in these niches. People forget that you don't need to reinvent the wheel, you don't need to come up with a completely unique premise. Look at the books that are selling, look at this proven list, and combine elements of the best books into a compelling story.

Fiction Book Formula Sales Boosters

Please note - these are detailed training videos, please allow a time for download.

Amazon Author Central Sales Driver

Download Amazon Author Central Training Videos

Amazon Author Central is a powerful tool for managing your different pen names, and most importantly, is a HUGE driver of sales. With the right author biography and "extras," as detailed in these videos, you can drastically increase the number of book sales. It helps to build up the persona of your author. (I recommend making each writer a separate "author" with your pen names, because they all have different writing styles.)

Massive Book Distribution with Smashwords

Download Smashwords Distribution Training Videos

Smashwords is a rapidly growing, yet little-known player in the self-publishing industry. There are a lot of people reporting HUGE results, who say they will ONLY distribute with Smashwords from now on. Personally, I like to use the power of Amazon's KDP Select program to get my 5 free promotion days, to boost my rankings...then after the 90 day contract expires, THEN distribute your book using Smashwords. (You cannot offer your book on any other digital platforms while enrolled in KDP Select.)

How to Build a Table of Contents

Click here to download How to Build a Table of Contents

How to Build Your Table of Contents is a report designed to show you how to research and outline your book. The technique in the book is extremely useful for helping you to outline both fiction and non-fiction books.

As I said, I do NOT build a Table of Contents for my short fiction books, but I use the exact same researching principles when laying out the storyline for my book. What do people like about other books in your genre? What don't they like?

By building the "flow" of your book, and discuss what is covered in each part ("chapter"), it makes your book cheaper and easier to produce. Your writers don't have to guess what you want, and they are able to write the book much quicker.

Your 4-Hour Outsourcing Content

4-Hour Outsourcing sells for $97 everyday, but you get it as an added bonus. It shows you my philosophy on outsourcing and making money with the people you hire. This is a perfect primer to help you get started with Fiction Book Formula.

Module #1: "Why should you hire a virtual assistant?"

Download .mp4 Video File
Download .mp3 Audio File
Download Module 1 PDF Transcript

Module #2: "Before you start outsourcing..."

Download .mp4 Video File
Download .mp3 Audio File
Download Module 2 PDF Transcript

Module #3: "What tasks to oursource"

Download .mp4 Video File
Download .mp3 Audio File
Download Module 3 PDF Transcript

Module #4: "How to hire your first assistant"

Download .mp4 Video File
Download .mp3 Audio File
Download Module 4 PDF Transcript

Module #5: "4-Hour Outsourcing Case Studies"

Download .mp4 Video File
Download .mp3 Audio File
Download Module 5 PDF Transcript

4-Hour Outsourcing Bonuses

Bonus #1:

Download 4-Hour Outsourcing Master Mindmap Now!
(Note: XMind is required to view mindmap. Download for free here!)

Bonus #2:

Download 4-Hour Outsourcing PDF Master Mindmap!
(This is a PDF and printable version of the Master Mindmap.)

Bonus #4:

Download 4-Hour Outsourcing Job Posting Template
(A "must use" for posting the most effective VA job requests)

Bonus #4:

Download My Virtual Assistant's "Personal Journal"
(An insider's look at the lives of virtual assistants and how to best use them)

Bonus #5:

Download "How To Outsource Software Development" Interview
(Features my mastermind colleague Jason Fladlien with Robert Plank)

The above downloads contain everything you need to build your own, true-to-life Internet Business. As I discuss in Module 1, by getting a real BUSINESS setup, rather than just "working for yourself," you can work as much or as little as you want.

After all...your virtual assistants are doing the work for you. You just sit back, relax, and reap the rewards! Or, you can just do what I do, and build another business that you can completely automate and profit from.

I know you'll love Fiction Book Formula. If you have any questions or need any support, please don't hesitate to contact us at

All the best,
Matt W. Rhodes

Matt W. Rhodes