Going on a memory lane: during the 19th Century, a number of countries or continents were colonized and partitioned amongst the super western powers then, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Belgium, etc… if I may recall correctly. The main purpose was raw materials. People were exploited by making them work long hours on the plantation farms and mines for little pay or no pay, and high taxes were levied on that pay. The resulting economic hardships cultivated mutiny or rebellion when peaceful means of bringing economic changes failed. Some of the revolts had catastrophic effects; as a result some of those colonized were left to get independence.

In the Middle East, the Palestinian – Israeli conflict has caused some economic hardship for the Palestinian people, where Israel is mostly blamed for its disastrous military campaigns.  The misery felt by the Palestinians due to this economic hardship is acting as a catalyst for violence against Israel. The financial benefits, which the Palestinian Authority and other Extremist groups provide to the families of those combat serve as an economic motivation for choosing a path of violence or terrorism in general. However, the Israel government has made an effort to eliminate the root cause of such violence by providing free uninterrupted entry of Palestinian workers into Israel since 1998.

So in that regard, sometimes violence against oppressors (groups, government, etc) might be justified to some extent since it calls for immediate attention to address the situation at hand; because bureaucratic processes are often very slow, slackly run, and often inconsistent in provision of services.