Tablespace point-in-time recovery (TSPITR) enables users to recover one or more
tablespaces to a point in time that is different from the current the database status. That is, restoring the tablespace just before a given problem occurred.

First, determine and resolve the any constraint dependencies to the objects in the tablespaces not included in the TSPITR by querying the TS_PITR_CHECK view. And if there are dependencies, evaluate to drop, disable or include the dependent tablespace in the TSPITR.

Secondly, determine whether there are objects that cannot be recovered by querying the TS_PITR_OBJECTS_TO_BE_DROPPED view. If there are objects to be saved use data pump utility to save them and import them after the recovery process is done.

Thirdly, create a temporary container that will serve as a secondary/ auxiliary destination with enough space for a system, undo, and temporary tablespace.
For example, C:\mkdir C:\ TSPITR

Fourthly, run the recover command to restore the tablespace until point in time, SCN, or sequence number. That is,
RMAN> recover tablespace users until SCN 2554 auxillary destination ‘C:\ TSPITR’;

Then backup the tablespace, RMAN> backup tablespace users;

Alter tablespace online, RMAN> SQL ‘alter tablespace users online’;

Delete the auxiliary destination of the tablespace to conserve space.