1. SNAPSHOT is used for
a. Synonym,
b. Table space,
c. System server,
d. Dynamic data replication
Ans : D

2. We can create SNAPSHOTLOG for
a. Simple snapshots,
b. Complex snapshots,
c. Both A & B,
d. Neither A nor B
Ans : A

3. Transactions per rollback segment is derived from
a. Db_Block_Buffers,
b. Processes,
c. Shared_Pool_Size,
d. None of the above
Ans : B

4. ENQUEUE resources parameter information is derived from
a. Processes or DDL_LOCKS and DML_LOCKS,
Ans : A

5. LGWR process writes information into
a. Database files,
b. Control files,
c. Redolog files,
d. All the above.
Ans : C

6. SET TRANSACTION USE ROLLBACK SEGMENT is used to create user objects in a particular Tablespace
a. True,
b. False
Ans : False

7. Databases overall structure is maintained in a file called
a. Redolog file,
b. Data file,
c. Control file,
d. All of the above.
Ans : C

8. These following parameters are optional in init.ora parameter file DB_BLOCK_SIZE, PROCESSES
a. True,
b. False
Ans : False

9. Constraints cannot be exported through EXPORT command
a. True,
b. False
Ans : False

10. It is very difficult to grant and manage common privileges needed by different groups of database users
using the roles
a. True,
b. False
Ans : False

11. What is difference between a DIALOG WINDOW and a DOCUMENT WINDOW regarding moving the window with respect to the application window
a. Both windows behave the same way as far as moving the window is concerned.
b. A document window can be moved outside the application window while a dialog window
cannot be moved
c. A dialog window can be moved outside the application window while a document window
cannot be moved
Ans : C

12 . What is the difference between a MESSAGEBOX and an ALERT
a. A messagebox can be used only by the system and cannot be used in user application while an
alert can be used in user application also.
b. A alert can be used only by the system and cannot be use din user application while an messagebox
can be used in user application also.
c. An alert requires an response from the userwhile a messagebox just flashes a message
and only requires an acknowledment from the user
d. An message box requires an response from the userwhile a alert just flashes a message an only
requires an acknowledment from the user
Ans : C

13. Which of the following is not an reason for the fact that most of the processing is done at the server ?
a. To reduce network traffic.
b. For application sharing,
c. To implement business rules centrally,
d. None of the above
Ans : D

14. Can a DIALOG WINDOW have scroll bar attached to it ?
a. Yes
b. No
Ans : B

15. Which of the following is not an advantage of GUI systems ?
a. Intuitive and easy to use.,
b. GUI’s can display multiple applications in multiple windows
c. GUI’s provide more user interface objects for a developer
d. None of the above

16. What is the difference between a LIST BOX and a COMBO BOX ?
a. In the list box, the user is restricted to selecting a value from a list but in a combo box the user can
type in value which is not in the list
b. A list box is a data entry area while a combo box can be used only for control purposes
c. In a combo box, the user is restricted to selecting a value from a list but in a list box the
user can type in a value which is not in the list
d. None of the above
Ans : A

17. In a CLIENT/SERVER environment , which of the following would not be done at the client ?
a User interface part, b Data validation at entry line,
c Responding to user events,
d None of the above
Ans : D

18. Why is it better to use an INTEGRITY CONSTRAINT to validate data in a table than to use a STORED PROCEDURE ?
a Because an integrity constraint is automatically checked while data is inserted into or updated in a table
while a stored procedure has to be specifically invoked
b Because the stored procedure occupies more space in the database than a integrity constraint definition
c Because a stored procedure creates more network traffic than a integrity constraint definition
Ans : A

19. Which of the following is not an advantage of a client/server model ?
a. A client/server model allows centralised control of data and centralised implementation of business rules.
b A client/server model increases developer;s productivity
c A client/server model is suitable for all applications
d None of the above.
Ans : C

20. What does DLL stands for ?
a Dynamic Language Library
b Dynamic Link Library
c Dynamic Load Library
d None of the above
Ans : B

21. POST-BLOCK trigger is a
a Navigational trigger
b Key trigger
c Transactional trigger
d None of the above
Ans : A

22. The system variable that records the select statement that SQL * FORMS most recently used
to populate a block is
Ans : D

23. Which of the following is TRUE for the ENFORCE KEY field
a ENFORCE KEY field characterstic indicates the source of the value that SQL*FORMS uses
to populate the field
b A field with the ENFORCE KEY characterstic should have the INPUT ALLOWED
charaterstic turned off
a Only 1 is TRUE
b Only 2 is TRUE
c Both 1 and 2 are TRUE
d Both 1 and 2 are FALSE
Ans : A

24. What is the maximum size of the page ?
a Characters wide & 265 characters length
b Characters wide & 265 characters length
c Characters wide & 80 characters length
d None of the above
Ans : B

25. A FORM is madeup of which of the following objects
a block, fields only,
b blocks, fields, pages only,
c blocks, fields, pages, triggers and form level procedures,
d Only blocks.
Ans : C

26. For the following statements which is true
1 Page is an object owned by a form
2 Pages are a collection of display information such as constant text and graphics.
a Only 1 is TRUE
b Only 2 is TRUE
c Both 1 & 2 are TRUE
d Both are FALSE
Ans : B

27. The packaged procedure that makes data in form permanent in the Database is
a Post
b Post form
c Commit form
d None of the above
Ans : C

28. Which of the following is TRUE for the SYSTEM VARIABLE $$date$$
a Can be assigned to a global variable
b Can be assigned to any field only during design time
c Can be assigned to any variable or field during run time
d None of the above
Ans : B

9. Which of the following packaged procedure is UNRESTRICTED ?
Ans : D

30. Identify the RESTRICTED packaged procedure from the following
Ans : D

31. What is SQL*FORMS
a SQL*FORMS is a 4GL tool for developing & executing Oracle based interactive applications.
b SQL*FORMS is a 3GL tool for connecting to the Database.
c SQL*FORMS is a reporting tool
d None of the above.
Ans : A

32. Name the two files that are created when you generate a form using Forms 3.0
a FMB & FMX, b FMR & FDX, c INP & FRM, d None of the above
Ans : C

33. What is a trigger
a A piece of logic written in PL/SQL
b Executed at the arrival of a SQL*FORMS event
c Both A & B
d None of the above
Ans : C

34. Which of the folowing is TRUE for a ERASE packaged procedure
1. ERASE removes an indicated Global variable & releases the memory associated with it
2. ERASE is used to remove a field from a page

1. Only 1 is TRUE
2. Only 2 is TRUE
3. Both 1 & 2 are TRUE
4. Both 1 & 2 are FALSE
Ans : 1

35. All datafiles related to a Tablespace are removed when the Tablespace is dropped
Ans : B

36. Size of Tablespace can be increased by
a Increasing the size of one of the Datafiles
b Adding one or more Datafiles
c Cannot be increased
d None of the above
Ans : B

37 . Multiple Tablespaces can share a single datafile
Ans : B

38 . A set of Dictionary tables are created
a Once for the Entire Database
b Every time a user is created
c Every time a Tablespace is created
d None of the above
Ans : A

39. Datadictionary can span across multiple Tablespaces
Ans : B

40. What is a DATABLOCK
a Set of Extents
b Set of Segments
c Smallest Database storage unit
d None of the above
Ans : C

41. Can an Integrity Constraint be enforced on a table if some existing table data does not satisfy the constraint
a Yes
b No
Ans : B

42. A column defined as PRIMARY KEY can have NULL’s
Ans : B

43. A Transaction ends
a. Only when it is Committed
b. Only when it is Rolledback
c. When it is Committed or Rolledback
d. None of the above
Ans : C

44. A Database Procedure is stored in the Database
a In compiled form
b As source code
c Both A & B
d Not stored
Ans : C

45. A database trigger doesnot apply to data loaded before the definition of the trigger
Ans : A

46. Dedicated server configuration is
a One server process - Many user processes
b Many server processes - One user process
c One server process - One user process
d Many server processes - Many user processes
Ans : C

47. Which of the following does not affect the size of the SGA
a Database buffer
b Redolog buffer
c Stored procedure
d Shared pool
Ans : C

48. What does a COMMIT statement do to a CURSOR
a Open the Cursor
b Fetch the Cursor
c Close the Cursor
d None of the above
Ans : D

49. Which of the following is TRUE
1 Host variables are declared anywhere in the program
2 Host variables are declared in the DECLARE section

a. Only 1 is TRUE
b. Only 2 is TRUE
c. Both 1 & 2are TRUE
d. Both are FALSE
Ans : B

50. Which of the following is NOT VALID is PL/SQL
a Bool boolean;
b NUM1, NUM2 number;
c deptname dept.dname%type;
d date1 date := sysdate
Ans : B

51. Declare
fvar number := null; svar number := 5
goto >
if fvar is null then
svar := svar + 5
end if;

What will be the value of svar after the execution ?
a. Error
b. 10
c. 5
d. None of the above
Ans : A

52. Which of the following is not correct about an Exception ?
a. Raised automatically / Explicitly in response to an ORACLE_ERROR
b. An exception will be raised when an error occurs in that block
c. Process terminates after completion of error sequence.
d. A Procedure or Sequence of statements may be processed.
Ans : C

53. Which of the following is not correct about User_Defined Exceptions ?
a Must be declared
b Must be raised explicitly
c Raised automatically in response to an Oracle error
d None of the above
Ans : C

54. A Stored Procedure is a
a Sequence of SQL or PL/SQL statements to perform specific function
b Stored in compiled form in the database
c Can be called from all client environments
d All of the above
Ans : D

55. Which of the following statement is false
a Any procedure can raise an error and return an user message and error number
b Error number ranging from 20000 to 20999 are reserved for user defined messages
c Oracle checks Uniqueness of User defined errors
d Raise_Application_error is used for raising an user defined error.
Ans : C

56. Is it possible to open a cursor which is in a Package in another procedure ?
a. Yes
b. No
Ans : A

57. Is it possible to use Transactional control statements in Database Triggers?
a. Yes
b. No
Ans : B