1. After re-examining the performance problem set out at the start of the chapter, answer the following questions: a. Define Joe Doe’s problem in your own words. i. Joe has a big table that he needs to cache in memory because it is frequently accessed. He states that he gets a good buffer hit ratio after he starts the instance and select form the big table and then the hit ratio drops to an unacceptable value. ii. Joe also inquires what is considered a big table. iii. Joe has to bounce the database every time he needs to do this b. What does he mean by saying the BUFFER_POOL KEEP? CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements have BUFFER_POOL option to specify what buffer pool the table should be cached. The values for BUFFER_POOL options are DEFAULT, KEEP and RECYCLE. KEEP has the highest priority to stay cached in memory. c.Do you think bouncing the database is acceptable to solve this problem? Absolutely not acceptable especially when it is frequent even if the business operation hours or the type of application allows it. It is healthier to keep the database open for better statistical readings, since shutting down the database is shutdown flushes all performance statistics. It is also unacceptable to bounce the database because of this problem even it is infrequent. Bounce the database is really not solving the It appears to Joe after he starts the database and loads the data that hit ratio is 100% because the database has not reached stability yet and therefore this hit ratio is misleading d.What would you recommend as a solution? 500MB table is not considered small especially when it is almost 40% of the size of the buffer cache Joe allocated. Increasing the buffer cache (if memory is available) can help keep the table cached a little longer but long enough to meet Joe’s requirements. If memory is available, then Joe should allocate memory for the KEEP buffer pool just before loading the table and deallocate memory taken by the KEEP buffer cache when done. However, Joe stated that the table is growing in size therefore there will come a time when no more memory is available and Joe will face the same problem again. Therefore this solution solves the problem temporarily. For a long term solution Joe and the development should look into the design of the application. 2.Write a query that displays a list of all dynamic performance views and initialization parameters that are related to the buffer cache. This list should resemble the two lists presented in the Chapter Summary. COLUMN "Object/Parameter Type" FORMAT A25 BREAK ON "Object/Parameter Type" SELECT 'Parameters' "Object/Parameter Type", NAME "Name" FROM V$PARAMETER WHERE NAME LIKE '%cache%' OR NAME LIKE '%block%' UNION ALL SELECT 'Views', VIEW_NAME FROM V$FIXED_VIEW_DEFINITION WHERE VIEW_NAME LIKE 'V$%BUFFER%' OR VIEW_NAME LIKE 'V$%CACHE%' OR VIEW_NAME LIKE 'V$%COMPONENT%' OR VIEW_NAME = 'V$BH'; Object/Parameter Type Name ------------------------- ------------------------------ Parameters db_block_buffers db_block_checksum db_block_size db_keep_cache_size db_recycle_cache_size db_2k_cache_size db_4k_cache_size db_8k_cache_size db_16k_cache_size db_32k_cache_size db_cache_size db_cache_advice db_file_multiblock_read_count db_block_checking session_cached_cursors object_cache_optimal_size object_cache_max_size_percent Views V$BH V$FILE_CACHE_TRANSFER V$TEMP_CACHE_TRANSFER V$CLASS_CACHE_TRANSFER V$ROWCACHE V$ROWCACHE_PARENT V$ROWCACHE_SUBORDINATE V$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS V$LIBRARY_CACHE_MEMORY V$LIBRARYCACHE V$SUBCACHE V$DB_OBJECT_CACHE V$BUFFER_POOL V$BUFFER_POOL_STATISTICS V$SESSION_CURSOR_CACHE V$SYSTEM_CURSOR_CACHE V$SESSION_OBJECT_CACHE V$DB_CACHE_ADVICE Notice that this query will display more parameters and views with similar names but only the highlighted names are related to buffer cache. 3.Write a report that lists each object in the buffer cache and its owner. COLUMN OBJECT_NAME FORMAT A30 SET LINES 120 SELECT O.OWNER, O.OBJECT_TYPE, O.OBJECT_NAME, COUNT(*) buffers, ROUND((COUNT(*)/(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM V$BH)) *100) BUFFER_PERCENT FROM DBA_OBJECTS O, V$BH B WHERE O.OBJECT_ID = B.OBJD AND O.OWNER NOT IN ('SYS','SYSTEM') GROUP BY O.OWNER, O.OBJECT_TYPE, O.OBJECT_NAME ORDER BY 1, 2 DESC; 4.Write two queries that display the following: a.The number of buffers and size for each type of the Keep buffers SELECT NAME, BUFFERS, BLOCK_SIZE FROM V$BUFFER_POOL / b.The hit ratio for each buffer pool SELECT NAME BUFFER_NAME, (1-(PHYSICAL_READS)/ ((DB_BLOCK_GETS+CONSISTENT_GETS)*100)) BUFFER_HIT_RATIO FROM V$BUFFER_POOL_STATISTICS WHERE DB_BLOCK_GETS+CONSISTENT_GETS <> 0 / 5.Suppose you were asked by a colleague to assist in writing a query that shows buffer cache hit ratio for a session. Write down the query that you would issue. SELECT PHY.SID, S.USERNAME, 1 - (PHY.VALUE)/(CUR.VALUE + CON.VALUE) BUFFER_HITRATIO FROM V$SESSTAT PHY, V$SESSTAT CUR, V$SESSTAT CON, V$STATNAME S1, V$STATNAME S2, V$STATNAME S3, V$SESSION S WHERE S1.NAME = 'physical reads' AND S2.NAME = 'db block gets' AND S3.NAME = 'consistent gets' AND PHY.STATISTIC# = S1.STATISTIC# AND CUR.STATISTIC# = S2.STATISTIC# AND CON.STATISTIC# = S3.STATISTIC# AND CUR.VALUE <> 0 AND CON.VALUE <> 0 AND PHY.SID = CUR.SID AND PHY.SID = CON.SID AND PHY.SID = S.SID AND S.USERNAME = UPPER('&USERNAME'); 6.Your manager just read an article about looking inside the buffers. He calls you over to his office and asks you to write a daily report and to collect statistics on what data objects are in memory and how many buffer blocks they are consuming. Write down the query you would need to issue to generate this report as well as the approach that you would take to store this statistical data. Query to generate daily report: COLUMN OBJECT_NAME FORMAT A30 SET LINES 120 SET PAGES 60 SELECT O.OWNER, O.OBJECT_TYPE, O.OBJECT_NAME, COUNT(*) buffers FROM DBA_OBJECTS O, V$BH B WHERE O.OBJECT_ID = B.OBJD AND O.OWNER NOT IN ('SYS','SYSTEM') GROUP BY O.OWNER, O.OBJECT_TYPE, O.OBJECT_NAME ORDER BY 1, 2 DESC; Approach to store statistical data: You must run these steps as SYS user or a user that will have direct SELECT privilege on the underlying tables of V$BH view. i.Create a table with the following structureCREATE TABLE CACHED_OBJECTS ( RUN_ID NUMBER, RUN_DTTM DATE, OWNER VARCHAR2(30), OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR2(30), OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2(30), BUFFERS NUMBER, TOTAL_BUFFERS NUMBER ) / ii.Create a sequence to use for the primary key CREATE SEQUENCE SQ_CACHED_OBJECTS; iii.Create a stored procedure to collect the statistics CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE COLLECT_CACHED_OBJECTS IS V_RUN_ID NUMBER; V_RUN_DTTM DATE := SYSDATE; V_BUFFERS_TOTAL NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT SQ_CACHED_OBJECTS.NEXTVAL INTO V_RUN_ID FROM DUAL; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO V_BUFFERS_TOTAL FROM V$BH; INSERT INTO CACHED_OBJECTS ( RUN_ID, RUN_DTTM, OWNER, OBJECT_TYPE, OBJECT_NAME, TOTAL_BUFFERS, BUFFERS ) SELECT V_RUN_ID, V_RUN_DTTM, O.OWNER, O.OBJECT_TYPE, O.OBJECT_NAME, V_BUFFERS_TOTAL, COUNT(*) FROM DBA_OBJECTS O, V$BH B WHERE O.OBJECT_ID = B.OBJD AND O.OWNER NOT IN ('SYS','SYSTEM') GROUP BY V_RUN_ID, V_RUN_DTTM, O.OWNER, O.OBJECT_TYPE, O.OBJECT_NAME, V_BUFFERS_TOTAL; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('NUMBER OF ROWS INSERTED = ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT); COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(SQLERRM); END; / iv.Execute the stored procedure to collect statistics SET SERVEROUTPUT ON EXECUTE COLLECT_CACHED_OBJECTS 7.After you did so well in collecting statistical data in Question 5, your manager asked you to draw observations from the data. Describe how would you analyze the data and whether it is beneficial or not to keep running this process. Explain your answer in details including analysis and queries. i.You should be looking for any object that is consuming more than 20% of the buffers: SELECT OBJECT_NAME, OWNER, (BUFFERS/TOTAL_BUFFERS)*100 BUFFER_USAGE_PCT FROM CACHED_OBJECTS ORDER BY 3; ii.Look for object usage trend, observer if the same object is cached when a reading is collected. This will indicate the object is used and accessed more frequent than others: SELECT OBJECT_NAME, COUNT(*) FREQUENCY FROM CACHED_OBJECTS GROUP BY OBJECT_NAME; iii.You can determine number object types are cached and how many: SELECT OBJECT_TYPE, COUNT(*) FROM CACHED_OBJECTS GROUP BY OBJECT_TYPE; iv.At any day or time that you suspect or experience performance problems, you could find out what objects are in cache and accessed. v.At any time you could find out how buffer usage percentage SELECT DISTINCT A.RUN_ID, (TOTAL_USAGE/TOTAL_BUFFERS)*100 USAGE_PCT FROM CACHED_OBJECTS A, (SELECT RUN_ID, SUM(BUFFERS) TOTAL_USAGE FROM CACHED_OBJECTS GROUP BY RUN_ID ) B WHERE A.RUN_ID = B.RUN_ID; You should keep collecting these statistical data, but make sure you purge CACHED_OBJECTS table every two weeks or one month depending on its growth. You could also create a summary table and aggregate statistics before purging them. The table would have the following structure: CREATE TABLE CACHED_OBJECTS_SUMMARY ( RUN_DTTM DATE, BUFFERS_USED NUMBER, TOTAL_BUFFERS NUMBER ); Before purging the table you would execute the following: INSERT INTO CACHED_OBJECTS_SUMMARY SELECT DISTINCT A.RUN_DTTM, TOTAL_USAGE, A.TOTAL_BUFFERS FROM CACHED_OBJECTS A, (SELECT RUN_ID, SUM(BUFFERS) TOTAL_USAGE FROM CACHED_OBJECTS GROUP BY RUN_ID ) B WHERE A.RUN_ID = B.RUN_ID; To purge CACHED_OBJECTS table: TRUNCATE TABLE CACHED_OBJECTS; 8. Interpret the following output from running a query against $DB_CACHE_ADVICE. What would the graph look like if you plot the values of ESTD_PHYSICAL_READS against CACHE_SIZE? CACHE_SIZE PERCENT BUFFERS_FOR_ESTIMATE ESTD_PHYSICAL_READ_FACTOR ESTD_PHYSICAL_READS --------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- ------------------------- ------------------- 4 33% 500 5.7617 908838 8 66% 1000 1.4044 221529 ==> 12 100% 1500 1 157739 16 133% 2000 .8984 141709 20 166% 2500 .7019 110723 24 200% 3000 .5285 83373 28 233% 3500 .3929 61972 32 266% 4000 .3614 57014 36 300% 4500 .3143 49577 40 333% 5000 .3117 49164 44 366% 5500 .3106 48999 48 400% 6000 .3101 48916 52 433% 6500 .308 48586 56 466% 7000 .308 48586 60 500% 7500 .308 48586 64 533% 8000 .308 48586 68 566% 8500 .308 48586 72 600% 9000 .308 48586 76 633% 9500 .3075 48503 80 666% 10000 .3075 48503 Open HandsOn_08.XLS using MS EXCEL, you will see a chart showing a plot of the ESTD_PHYSICAL_READS. As it is expected increasing cache size beyond 44M will not decrease number of physical reads. 9. You just took over a database that was administered by another DBA. As part of your routine tasks, you ran a query to get the buffer cache hit ratio and found that it was 45%. Answer the following: a. What is the query you submitted to get the hit ratio? COLUMN RATIO HEADING "Buffer Cache Hitratio" FORMAT A30 SELECT ROUND( (1 - (PHY.VALUE/ (CUR.VALUE + CON.VALUE)))*100, 1)||'%' ratio FROM V$SYSSTAT PHY, V$SYSSTAT CUR, V$SYSSTAT CON WHERE PHY.NAME = 'physical reads' AND CUR.NAME = 'db block gets' AND CON.NAME = 'consistent gets'; b. What other query would you issue to investigate the problem? You should issue the following query to find out the hit ratio per session in order to determine the sessions that is impacting performance SELECT PHY.SID, S.USERNAME, 1 - (PHY.VALUE)/(CUR.VALUE + CON.VALUE) BUFFER_HITRATIO FROM V$SESSTAT PHY, V$SESSTAT CUR, V$SESSTAT CON, V$STATNAME S1, V$STATNAME S2, V$STATNAME S3, v$SESSION S WHERE S1.NAME = 'physical reads' AND S2.NAME = 'db block gets' AND S3.NAME = 'consistent gets' AND PHY.STATISTIC# = S1.STATISTIC# AND CUR.STATISTIC# = S2.STATISTIC# AND CON.STATISTIC# = S3.STATISTIC# AND CUR.VALUE <> 0 AND CON.VALUE <> 0 AND PHY.SID = CUR.SID AND PHY.SID = CON.SID AND PHY.SID = S.SID; c. What other analysis or steps would you take to decide on a corrective action? You should monitor the ratio over a period of time preferably 3 to 5 days during low and peak time. a.If the trend shows low buffer cache hit ratios, you should look what objects are being accessed the most and the number of buffers consumed by them. A consistent low hit ratio is an indication that the buffer cache is not adequately sized meaning too small. b.If hit ratio is not consistent, then you should determine what activity was happening that made it high. 4. If corrective action is necessary, what would you do after your investigation and analysis, and when? Here are the steps you would take for each analysis in step C: a. Increase the buffer cache by 20% of current size if memory is available immediately. ALTER SYSTEM SET DB_CACHE_SIZE= N (size in MB) b. If the hit ratio is not consistent then you should inquire application activities that were running that caused the ratio to go low. 10. You were hired as a DBA consultant to assist the DBA team in administering all databases in production. While you were becoming familiar with the database, you came across a table that is too large to be placed in the KEEP buffer pool. Answer the following: a. What is your observation about the finding? Find out how often it is being accessed and the percentage of usage of the total buffers b. What would you do about it? If the table is accessed frequently then you should make sure you have enough cache in the KEEP buffer pool c. Suppose that another DBA asked you to fix the situation so that the table could be placed in the KEEP buffer pool? Write down the steps you would take to perform the task. i. ALTER SYSTEM SET DB_KEEP_CACHE_SIZE = N (where N the size in MB) ii. ALTER TABLE table_name STORAGE(BUFFER_POOL KEEP); iii. ALTER TABLE table_name CACHE; d.Suppose that you decided to unkeep the table and cache it only in the default buffers. Write down your steps to perform this task i. ALTER TABLE table_name STORAGE(BUFFER_POOL DEFAULT); ii. ALTER TABLE table_name NOCACHE; 11. You are asked to recommend a database block size for a new, large table that will be used mainly for reporting purposes. You have decided that it would be best if you place it on a tablespace with 16K block size or higher. After checking with the system administrator, you determined that the operating system platform limitation for the maximum block size is 16K. Write the steps for creating the tablespace for the table to reside on and allocating memory for this task. Use the following table definition Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- ------------ -------- INVOICE_ITEM_ID NOT NULL NUMBER INVOICE_ID NUMBER AMOUNT NOT NULL NUMBER(12,2) DESCRIPTION NOT NULL VARCHAR2(255) i) CREATE TABLESPACE REPORTING_16K DATAFILE 'C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\SAM\REPORTING_DATA_16K.ORA' SIZE 100M BLOCKSIZE 16384 EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL; (make sure you replace path of the data file to proper path for your database) ii) CREATE TABLE REPORTING ( INVOICE_ITEM_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, INVOICE_ID NUMBER, AMOUNT NUMBER(12,2) NOT NULL, DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL ) TABLESPACE REPORTING; iii) ALTER SYSTEM SET DB_16K_CACHE_SIZE = n (where n is size in MB) iv) Save new parameters setting to PFILE and SPFILE using CREATE PFILE and CREATE SPFILE commands 12. A developer for an OLTP database application that went to production about six months ago told you that there is a reference table that is constantly queried and that they would like to cache it in memory. Write down the steps for each of the following items: a. Determine the number buffer block that the table would take. SET VERIFY OFF SELECT O.OBJECT_NAME, COUNT(*) buffers FROM DBA_OBJECTS O, V$BH B WHERE O.OBJECT_ID = B.OBJD AND O.OWNER = UPPER('&TABLE_OWNER') AND O.OBJECT_NAME = UPPER('&TABLE_NAME') AND O.OBJECT_TYPE = 'TABLE' GROUP BY O.OBJECT_NAME; b· Allocate memory for the Keep buffers by adding enough buffers to fit the new table: Set the Keep buffers if they not configured or add buffers if it is already set but are too low ALTER SYSTEM SET db_keep_cache_size=xxxxk; c. Cache the table in the Keep buffers I. ALTER TABLE table_name STORAGE(BUFFER_POOL KEEP); II. ALTER TABLE table_name CACHE; In Oracle9i has automatic caching, if the table you need to cache meet the small table criteria then you would not need to cache it. However, placing the table in KEEP will increase it’s chance to be kept longer 13. Use the following script to create the table and populate it with data SQL> CREATE TABLE KEEP_DATA_REF 2 ( 3 CODE NUMBER(4), 4 DECRIPTION VARCHAR2(80) 5* ) SQL> / SQL> BEGIN 2 FOR I IN 1..1000 LOOP 3 INSERT INTO KEEP_DATA_REF VALUES 4 (I, 'THIS IS DESCRIPTION TEXT ' || I); 5 END LOOP; 6 END; 7 / Perform the following steps to answer the questions below: a. Turn on the Cache Advice on. If it was already on, turn it off and then turn on. · To turn it off: ALTER SYSTEM SET DB_CACHE_ADVICE=OFF; · To turn it on: ALTER SYSTEM SET DB_CACHE_ADVICE=ON; b. Look at the collected statistics. In order to look at the statistics you need to issue the following query: SELECT * FROM V$DB_CACHE_ADVICE; If you were to issue this query right after you turn on the Cache Advice feature, there will be no useful statistics. You should generate SQL statements and activities in order to get useful advisory data. In order to generate activities, you could create three different sessions in and issues statements like this: · SELECT * FROM KEEP_DATA_REF; · SELECT CODE FROM KEEP_DATA_REF; · SELECT * FROM KEEP_DATA_REF WHERE CODE > 500; · UPDATE KEEP_DATA_REF SET DESCRIPTION = DESCRIPTION || ‘z’; · UPDATE KEEP_DATA_REF SET DESCRIPTION = TRIM(DESCRIPTION); · COMMIT; c. Having done step (a) and (b), what do you observe when you do step (c) and (d) d. Increase or reduce the Cache Buffer size To increase or decrease the cache size you would issue: ALTER SYSTEM SET DB_CACHE_SIZE = n (where n is size MB) e. Check the DB_CACHE_ADVICE parameter value After running activities on the database if you query V$DB_CACHE_SIZE you would more useful advisory data that you can use to draw some conclusion What conclusion would do you draw from all the steps you performed in this project? You should conclude that Cache Advice feature provides better results when many activities is happening on the database. |