This paper provides an overview of the locking mechanism management, data consistency, and concurrent access control to data in Oracle database. Each DBMS vendor implements some sort of locking mechanism that ensures data integrity in the database. Therefore, if a DBA wants to write applications that can work with different kinds of database servers, he/she must adapt the program logic to the behavior of the database servers regarding concurrency and consistency management. This requires good knowledge of multi-user application programming, transactions, locking mechanisms, isolation levels and wait mode. Lock management is a complex issue, affecting data integrity and overall system performance. Locks enable a multi-user DBMS to maintain the integrity of transactions by isolating a transaction from others executing concurrently. Locking data for reads can be important in certain situations, preventing inconsistent analysis of the database. While DBMSs use exclusive locks for writes, share locks are commonly used for reads. Share locks enable other concurrently executing transactions to read the same data but prohibit any transaction from writing the chosen data. Essentially, Oracle automatically obtains necessary locks when executing SQL statements, so users need not be concerned with such details. Oracle automatically uses the lowest applicable level of restrictiveness to provide the highest degree of data concurrency yet also provide fail-safe data integrity. Oracle also allows the user to lock data manually. The three are common locks used in every Oracle database system are:
To set for a single transaction, first statement in transaction is: SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED (default) SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE To set for all subsequent transactions within session: ALTER SESSION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED ALTER SESSION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE Transactions that include the following SQL statements override Oracle’s default locking:
Another main concern of a multi-user database management system is how to control concurrency, which is the simultaneous access of the same data by many users. Without adequate concurrency controls, data could be updated or changed improperly, compromising data integrity. If many people are accessing the same data, one way of managing data concurrency is to make each user wait for a turn. The goal of a database management system is to reduce that wait so it is either nonexistent or negligible to each user. Oracle resolves such issues by using various types of locks and a multiversion consistency control. Serialization is also an important concept associated with locking and concurrency control, which is a solution to provide the highest level of isolation between the actions of different users accessing the same data (a situation termed as serializable). Data consistency means that each user sees a consistent view of the data, including visible changes made by the user's own transactions and transactions of other users Multiversion read consistency guarantees that a user sees a consistent view of the data he or she requests. To manage the multiversion consistency control, Oracle must create a read-consistent set of data when a table is being queried (read) and simultaneously updated (written). If another user changes the underlying data during the query execution, Oracle maintains a version of the data as it existed at the time the query began When an update occurs, the original data values changed by the update are recorded in the database's undo records. As long as this update remains part of an uncommitted transaction, any user that later query the modified data views the original data values. Oracle uses current information in the system global area and information in the undo records to construct a read-consistent view of a table's data for a query. A simple way to think of Oracle read consistency is to imagine each user operating a private copy of the database.
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Data Locking, Data Concurrency, and Data Consistency in Oracle Database
Database Technology