Arizona's tough immigration law, probably the toughest in US will become active in 90 days or so. Here are some precautions for undocumented immigrants (aliens) to consider to avoid getting in trouble.
  • Know why you're here in U.S. (or wherever you are) and stick to it
  • Keep out of trouble even if you have to miss out of pleasure spots
  • Avoid sexual affairs with natives. An interested rival can have you deported
  • Keep some money for emergencies
  • Let your people back home know your situation
  • Avoid bad, reckless groups with aggressive lifestyles that are involved in criminal activities or other risky activities
  • Register at your embassy for possible assistance in case you get in problem
  • Avoid other violations of the law like driving without a permit
  • Look out for and take advantage of any chance to regularize your status with legal immigration papers
  • Make friends who matter and can save you during emergencies that may lead to deportation