Chronicles of Domestic Terrorism in United States of America, Part 3:

Anti-Abortion Groups:
These are fundamentalist groups that seek to realize religious values thru political and social action as well as thru personal transformation. They seek to ban all forms of abortion because they consider it murder. While most anti-abortionists are law-abiding citizens, some groups employ violence and murder to attain their political ends. They are differentiated from the vastly larger "pro-life" movement that rejects violence against persons and property. Both the pro-life and anti-abortion movements are motivated by one concept: that human personhood begins at the instant of conception as opposed to the Supreme Court’s issued decision recognize the right of woman to legally carry out abortion during the first trimester. These extreme groups engaged in protests and civil disobedience as well as bombing abortion clinics and its affiliates, and assassinating doctors who perform abortions.

Another anti-abortion extreme group, the Operation Rescue targets a city, making a public announcement that it will come and terrorize an abortion clinic to close it down. Sometimes, in anticipation, a clinic would close down temporarily just to avoid a confrontation. OR continues to promote politically extremist ideology and political goals such as antiwar and civil rights campaigns; disruptions and direct actions; but these actions do not involve bombing or burning of abortion clinics like other groups.

White Supremacy groups:
White supremacy is an ideology, which holds that the white race is superior to other races. White supremacists make many claims about the intellectual, ethical and spiritual inferiority of blacks, Jews, Hispanics, Asians and homosexuals. Most prominent examples include the Ku Klux Klan, KKK splinter groups, Neo-Nazi, Neo-Nazi skinheads, and Christian Identity to mention but a few.  William Pierce, the leader of White supremacist group, National Alliance once stated that: "We must separate ourselves from the Blacks and other non-whites and keep ourselves separate, no matter what it takes to accomplish this.

We must do this not because we hate Blacks, but because we cannot survive if we remain mixed with them. And we cannot survive if we permit the Jews and the traitors among us to remain among us and to repeat their treachery. Eventually we must hunt them down and get rid of them." There have been incidents that have demonstrated the willingness of members these extremists to take part in violent action including flogging, beating, hanging, and burning black Churches and shelters.

Hewitt, Christopher. Understanding Terrorism in America: From the Klan to Al Qaeda.

Vohryzek-Bolden, M. Olson-Raymer, G. and Whamond,  J. O. Domestic Terrorism and Incident Management: Issues and Tactics. Springfilled, IL: Charles C. Thomas    

Southern Poverty Law Center - Fighting Hate, Teaching Tolerance, Seeking Justice