CMM focuses on the relationship between an individual and his or her society. CMM is an important theory of human communication because it deals with an important social process in which individuals achieve in their social interactions with each other, some degree of mutual understanding and acting together toward mutually desirable ends. When we interact in an interpersonal setting and we create our own realities like thru flattery or jokes that has nothing to do with anyone else but our own created identity with a circle of colleagues. However, this becomes hard to define these realities especially when people say one thing and mean the other.

When it comes to explaining why people do what they do through biased understanding, the CMM theory is useful in explaining the concept of persons-in-conversation. Persons-in-conversation is the idea that our communication creates the social environment in which we live. CMM looks at conversations from a standpoint of "why they happen" and what the "underlying meaning" is. This concept helps explain our conversations by showing how we are engaged in language games, participating in the social universe, and how our actions effect us. CMM definitely shows a new understanding of people.

I support the statement that actions of persons-in-conversation are reflexively reproduced as the interaction continues; but I’m more concerned about the effects that bring about change. Reflectivity means that our actions have effects that bounce back and affect us. Since, CMM focuses on the specific acts that make such re-authoring possible; then if we want to bring about change, we ask, "what act could be performed that would have sufficient reflexive effects to bring about change?" If we want to understand a change that already occurred, we ask," what act happened that had sufficient reflexive effects to bring it about?"
For example 2 friends have good communication relationship, which can be interpreted as friendly episode of relationship. “But let us suppose that during the episode they entered into a discussion and began to disagree about some issue. The episode of conflict then becomes the context for redefining the relationship.” Then future episodes of interaction would then begin with different assumptions about the relationship and with different behaviors.

My example of CMM coordination would be People who join together to perform rituals of faith might hold vastly different beliefs about the ultimate meaning of these events, yet they gain strength through the common experience of worship. Hence, although I agree with praise the lord thru singing with some minimal dancing; however, I do not agree with crank dancing, grooving, or jumping all over the placement to show that I’m committed in my faith.

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