// Included Libraries and namespace
#include "A:\string.h"
#include "A:\string"
using namespace std;

// Function Prototypes
void printBook(string [], int);
void printRecord(string [], string [], string [], int);
int addData(string [], string [], string [], int);
void updateData(string [], string [], string [], int);
int deleteData(string [], string [], string [], int);
void sortData(string [], string [], string [], int);
char menu();
int subMenu(string [], int);
int initializer(string [], string [], string []);

// Main Program
int main()
    // Declare variables and files
    string name[20] = {""}, address[20] = {""}, city[20] = {""};
    int numRec, count;
    char choice;
    ofstream outFile;

    // Initialize function
    numRec = initializer(name, address, city);

    // Sort Array
    sortData(name, address, city, numRec);

    // Menu and switch
    choice = menu();
    while (choice != '6')
            // Print all records
            case '1':  printBook(name, numRec);
            // Print record
            case '2':  system("cls");
                       cout << "\n\n\n\n\n";
                       cout << "\t\t######################################\n";
                       cout << "\t\t#                                    #\n";
                       cout << "\t\t#            View Menu               #\n";
                       printRecord(name, address, city, numRec);
            // Add record
            case '3':  numRec = addData(name, address, city, numRec);
            // Delete record
            case '4':  system("cls");
                       cout << "\n\n\n\n\n";
                       cout << "\t\t######################################\n";
                       cout << "\t\t#                                    #\n";
                       cout << "\t\t#           Delete Menu              #\n";
                       numRec = deleteData(name, address, city, numRec);
            // Update record
            case '5':  system("cls");
                       cout << "\n\n\n\n\n";
                       cout << "\t\t######################################\n";
                       cout << "\t\t#                                    #\n";
                       cout << "\t\t#           Update Menu              #\n";
                       updateData(name, address, city, numRec);
        choice = menu();
    // Write the data to the file
    cout << "\n  Writing records to file... Please wait...\n\n";
    outFile << numRec << endl;
    for(count = 0; count < numRec; count++)
        outFile << name[count] << "#" << address[count] << "#" << city[count] << endl;

    // Return and end of Main program
    return 0;

// **********  Functions ************

// *********** printBook function ***********
void printBook(string name[], int numRec)
    // Declaring variables
    int count = 0;
    // Print records to screen
    cout << "\n\n    Record #    Name" << endl << endl;
    for(count = 0; count < numRec; count++)
        cout << "\t" << count + 1 << ":\t" << name[count] << endl;
    cout << endl;

    // Return and end of printBook function

// *********** printRecord function ***********
void printRecord(string name[], string address[], string city[], int numRec)
    // Declaring variables
    string search;
    int found;

    // Submenu program
    found = subMenu(name, numRec);

    // Switch for menu
    switch (found)
        // No record found
        case -1:
            cout << "  *** Record not found! ***\n";
        // Exit menu
        case -2:
        // Record found
            cout << endl;
            cout << endl;
            cout << "   \t           " << name[found] << endl;
            cout << "   \t           " << address[found] << endl;
            cout << "   \t           " << city[found] << endl;
            cout << endl;

    // Return and end of printRecord function

// ***********  addData function  ***********
int addData(string name[], string address[], string city[], int numRec)
    // Declaring variables
    string temp1, temp2, temp3;

    // Check for too many records
    if (numRec == 20)
        cout << "Address Book full, you can't add another address!\n";
        // Add record
        cout << "\n** ADD A RECORD **" << endl;
        // Last name
        cout << " Enter last name to add: ";
        getline(cin, temp1);

        // First name
        cout << " Enter first name to add: ";
        getline(cin, temp2);
        // Update name array
        name[numRec] = temp1 + ", " + temp2;

        // Address and update address array
        cout << " Enter the address to add: ";
        getline(cin, address[numRec]);

        // City
        cout << " Enter the City: ";
        getline(cin, temp1);

        // State
        cout << " Enter the State: ";
        getline(cin, temp2);

        // Zip Code
        cout << " Enter the Zip Code: ";
        getline(cin, temp3);
        // Update city array
        city[numRec] = temp1 + ", " + temp2 + " " + temp3;

        // Update number of records

        // Resort records
        sortData(name, address, city, numRec);

    // Return and end of addData function
    return numRec;

// *********** deleteData function ***********
int deleteData(string name[], string address[], string city[], int numRec)
    // Declaring variables
    int count, found;
    char confirm;

    // Call submenu
    found = subMenu(name, numRec);

    // Switch for menu
    switch (found)
        // Record not found
        case -1:
            cout << "  *** Record not found! ***\n";
        // Exit menu
        case -2:
        // Record found
            // Display record and confirm delete
            cout << "\n\n   \t           " << name[found] << endl;
            cout << "   \t           " << address[found] << endl;
            cout << "   \t           " << city[found] << endl << endl;
            cout << "  *** Confirm Delete ***\n  Enter 'Y' to continue with delete: ";
            cin >> confirm;

            // Delete record
            if (toupper(confirm) == 'Y')
                cout << "  *** Record deleted! ***\n";
                for(count = found; count < numRec; count++)
                    name[count] = name[count + 1];
                    address[count] = address[count + 1];
                    city[count] = city[count + 1];
            // Don't delete record
                cout << "  *** No records changed ***\n";


    // Return and end of deleteData function
    return numRec;

// *********** updateData function ***********
void updateData(string name[], string address[], string city[], int numRec)
    // Declaring variables
    int found;
    char confirm;
    string temp1, temp2, temp3;

    // Call submenu
    found = subMenu(name, numRec);

    // Switch for menu
    switch (found)
        // Record not found
        case -1:
            cout << "  *** Record not found! ***\n";
        // Exit menu
        case -2:
        // Record found
            // Display record and change data
            cout << "\n\n   \t           " << name[found] << endl;
            cout << "   \t           " << address[found] << endl;
            cout << "   \t           " << city[found] << endl << endl;
            cout << "  *** Confirm Update ***\n  Enter 'Y' to continue with delete: ";
            cin >> confirm;

            // update record
            if (toupper(confirm) == 'Y')
                // Last name
                cout << " Enter last name to add: ";
                getline(cin, temp1);

                // First name
                cout << " Enter first name to add: ";
                getline(cin, temp2);
                // Update name array
                name[found] = temp1 + ", " + temp2;

                // Address and update address array
                cout << " Enter the address to add: ";
                getline(cin, address[found]);

                // City
                cout << " Enter the City: ";
                getline(cin, temp1);

                // State
                cout << " Enter the State: ";
                getline(cin, temp2);

                // Zip Code
                cout << " Enter the Zip Code: ";
                getline(cin, temp3);
                // Update city array
                city[found] = temp1 + ", " + temp2 + " " + temp3;
            // Don't update record
                cout << "  *** No records changed ***\n";


    // Return and end of updateData function

// *********** sortData function ***********
void sortData(string name[], string address[], string city[], int numRec)
    // Declare variables
    int count, counter, small;
    string temp, checker1, checker2;

    // sort records
    for(count = 0; count < numRec; count++)
        small = count;
        for(counter = count + 1; counter < numRec; counter++)
            checker1 = name[counter];
            checker2 = name[small];
            transform(checker1.begin(), checker1.end(), checker1.begin(), toupper);
            transform(checker2.begin(), checker2.end(), checker2.begin(), toupper);
            if(checker1 < checker2)
                small = counter;

        temp = name[small];
        name[small] = name[count];
        name[count] = temp;
        temp = address[small];
        address[small] = address[count];
        address[count] = temp;
        temp = city[small];
        city[small] = city[count];
        city[count] = temp;

    // Return and end of sortData function

// *********** menu function ***********
char menu()
    // Declaring variables
    string choice = "";

    // Display menu
    while (!(choice > "0" && choice < "7"))
        cout << "\n\n\n\n\n";
        cout << "\t\t######################################\n";
        cout << "\t\t#                                    #\n";
        cout << "\t\t#         Address Book Menu          #\n";
        cout << "\t\t#                                    #\n";
        cout << "\t\t#  1: VIEW list of names             #\n";
        cout << "\t\t#  2: VIEW   a record                #\n";
        cout << "\t\t#  3: ADD    a record                #\n";
        cout << "\t\t#  4: DELETE a record                #\n";
        cout << "\t\t#  5: UPDATE a record                #\n";
        cout << "\t\t#  6: QUIT program                   #\n";
        cout << "\t\t#                                    #\n";
        cout << "\t\t######################################\n";
        cout << endl;
        cout << "                           Choice: ";
        cin >> choice;

        // Prompt for choice
        while (!(choice > "0" && choice < "7") || (choice.size() != 1))
            cout << " Choose a VALID command.   Choice: ";
            cin >> choice;
        cout << endl;

    // Exit function with a char type variable
    if (choice.compare(0, 1, "1") == 0)
        return '1';
    if (choice.compare(0, 1, "2") == 0)
        return '2';
    if (choice.compare(0, 1, "3") == 0)
        return '3';
    if (choice.compare(0, 1, "4") == 0)
        return '4';
    if (choice.compare(0, 1, "5") == 0)
        return '5';
    if (choice.compare(0, 1, "6") == 0)
        return '6';
    return '0';

// ********** subMenu function ************
int subMenu(string name[], int numRec)
    // Declaring variables
    string search, choice1, tempName;
    int count, len, found;
    char choice;

    // Display menu
    while (!(choice1 > "0" && choice1 < "6"))
        cout << "\t\t#                                    #\n";
        cout << "\t\t#  1: Search by Record Number        #\n";
        cout << "\t\t#  2: Search by Last Name            #\n";
        cout << "\t\t#  3: Search by First Name           #\n";
        cout << "\t\t#  4: Search by Full Name            #\n";
        cout << "\t\t#  5: Back to Main Menu              #\n";
        cout << "\t\t#                                    #\n";
        cout << "\t\t######################################\n";
        cout << endl;
        cout << "                           Choice: ";
        cin >> choice1;

        // Prompt for choice
        while (!(choice1 > "0" && choice1 < "6") || (choice1.size() != 1))
            cout << " Choose a VALID command.   Choice: ";
            cin >> choice1;
        cout << endl;

    // Change string variable to char variable using if statements
    if (choice1.compare(0, 1, "1") == 0)
        choice = '1';
    if (choice1.compare(0, 1, "2") == 0)
        choice = '2';
    if (choice1.compare(0, 1, "3") == 0)
        choice = '3';
    if (choice1.compare(0, 1, "4") == 0)
        choice = '4';
    if (choice1.compare(0, 1, "5") == 0)
        choice = '5';

    // Set default
    found = -2;

    // Switch menu options
        case '1':
            // Print all records and prompt for record number
            printBook(name, numRec);
            cout << "Record number to search for: ";
            cin >> found;

            // check to see if selection is valid
            if (found < 0 || found > numRec - 1)
                found = -1;

        case '2':
            // Prompt for last name
            cout << endl;
            cout << " Enter Last name to search for: ";
            getline(cin, search);
            transform(search.begin(), search.end(), search.begin(), toupper);

            // Search for last name
            found = -1;
            for(count = 0; count < numRec; count++)
                tempName.assign(name[count], 0, name[count].find(",", 0));
                transform(tempName.begin(), tempName.end(), tempName.begin(), toupper);
                len = name[count].size();
                if(tempName.compare(0, len, search) == 0)
                    found = count;

        case '3':
            // Prompt for first name
            cout << endl;
            cout << " Enter First name to search for: ";
            getline(cin, search);
            transform(search.begin(), search.end(), search.begin(), toupper);

            // Search for first name
            found = -1;
            for(count = 0; count < numRec; count++)
                len = name[count].find(",", 0);
                tempName.assign(name[count], len + 2, name[count].size() - len);
                transform(tempName.begin(), tempName.end(), tempName.begin(), toupper);
                len = name[count].size();
                if(tempName.compare(0, len, search) == 0)
                    found = count;

        case '4':
            // Prompt for full name
            cout << endl;
            cout << " Enter name to search for with the format " << endl;
            cout << endl;
            cout << "Name to search for: ";
            getline(cin, search);
            transform(search.begin(), search.end(), search.begin(), toupper);

            // Search for full name
            found = -1;
            for(count = 0; count < numRec; count++)
                len = name[count].size();
                transform(tempName.begin(), tempName.end(), tempName.begin(), toupper);
                if(name[count].compare(0, len, search) == 0)
                    found = count;

    // Return and end of menu function
    return found;

// ************ initializer function *************
int initializer(string name[], string address[], string city[])
    // Declaring variables
    int count, numRec;
    ifstream inFile;

    // Check if file is open
        cout << "File not found!\n";

    // Read in the number of records
    inFile >> numRec;
    // Check for invalid number of records
    if (numRec > 20)
        numRec = 20;
        cout << "Too many records in file!\nSome files will be lost!\n";

    // Read in all the data from address.txt
    for(count = 0; count < numRec && count < 20; count++)
        getline(inFile, name[count], '#');
        getline(inFile, address[count], '#');
        getline(inFile, city[count]);

        // Check for errors in file
        if ((city[count].compare(0, city[count].size(), "")) == 0)
            count = numRec;
            cout << "Error in file!\nNumber of records invalid\n\n";

        // Check for errors in file
        if ((count != numRec -1) && inFile.eof())
            count = numRec;
            cout << "Error in file!\nNumber of records invalid\n\n";
    // Close file

    // Return and end of initializer function
    return numRec;